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Students Initiative
Aula Magna via Gobbi e Aule Seminari via Roentgen
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European Liberty Conference

European Liberty Conference
Milan, October 11-12

The conference will focus on the most important contemporary issues: the sovereign debt crisis,  compatibilty between democracy and classical liberalism, global warming and the fight for liberty in Europe. All these topics will be discussed from a free-market perspective, but with an eye to alternative points of view, in order to stimulate a constructive debate. The conference will be structured in both parallel and main sessions, scattered throughout the two days.

We will have also a session entirely dedicated to networking among European students and a meeting with representatives from some of the most important classical liberal think-tanks from all over the world.

Organized by:
Studenti Bocconiani Liberali - Milton Friedman Society

ISFIL - Italian Students for Individual Liberty

Conference website